So you look and feel better, naturally!
Stuff to Set the Mood
Making candles is one of my favorite things to do. Burning them is second! I love making candles for specific rooms to set specific moods and garner specific results. Candles for the living. room, the bathroom, the kitchen, the bedroom, the guest room, the laundry room, the list goes on and on. Please get comfortable and watch as this page grows and see what calls to you!

Full Moon Candle
Our newest candle creation is the Full Moon Candle. Charged with the light of a full moon, this candle contains three moonstones, rosemary, and white sage and is lightly scented with rose, lavender, and notes of bergamot. Light this candle when you're ready to relax and watch your cares melt away. Confidence is yours when you enjoy the light of this moon-inspired candle, and romance could be just a flicker away! In an 8-ounce tin, this candle lasts for about 10 hours. Yours today for only $28.

Protection Candle
Our protection candle is made with soy wax and has a smokey quartz and tourmaline shard, along with rosemary, lavender, and white sage leaves. Scented lightly with Sage and Lemongrass, it smells amazing! Buy it because it's beautiful, or buy and light it with intention to help rid your home (and life) of unwanted negative energies. It burns for about 10 hours and burns completely. (The herbs do not burn in this candle!) It is suitable for any location. (I prefer burning it in the kitchen, but you can choose anywhere!) This 7-ounce candle sells for only $20 plus tax. Each one is individually hand-made!

Honey-Lavender Candle
This honey-lavender candle is your next best thing to a good relaxing glass of wine. Made with yellow beeswax that still has the scent of honey, a little bit of soy wax, lavender essential oil, and an all-cotton wick, you breathe deep and easy while relaxing after a long and hard day. Place this candle near your bathtub while you lounge quietly in a warm bubble bath. Set it on your patio table while you listen to soft music and sip on your favorite glass of wine. The possibilities are endless!